Lost Superannuation

There is a simple way to reunite you with any lost superannuation that you may have, There are millions of dollars sitting in lost superannuation fund accounts, With the share market rising who knows what it could be worth?

It is easy to find out if you have any lost superannuation is to visit www.ato.gov.au/individuals/content.aspx?doc=/content/33301.htm&alias=superseeker

You will need your tax file number and a notice of assessment from the last 5 years,

Please contact us if you need any help.

Record Keeping

There is a strong relationship between good record keeping and small business survival. Studies have shown that small businesses with poor or non-existent record keeping have very little chance of success. While businesses with good record keeping have a very good chance of success. Record keeping is more than MYOB – please talk to us about the options.